A motley collection of off-beat, original stories. From a legendary pilot applying for a bank loan, to a husband who kills his wife during a dispute over salt, to a detective working a scalping/murder case while dealing with an incompetent group of s...
After an escaped inmate shoots and wounds the Captain of a chain gang, a Trustee--with a few days left on his sentence--must march ninety miles across the scorching, shadeless fields of North Carolina to return a psycho, a con-man, and a long-timer b...
An aircraft carrier adrift with a crew the size of a small town. A killer in their midst. And the disgraced Navy SEAL who must track him down . . . The high-octane debut thriller from New York Times bestselling writing team Webb & Mann -- combat-deco...
Haunted by the death of his best friend and hunted by the FBI for war crimes he didn’t commit, Finn lands on an island paradise that turns into his own personal hell in this gripping follow-up to Steel Fear and Cold Fear -- from the New York Times ...