First appearing in the December 2011 issue of Analog Science Fiction and Fact magazine, "Ray of Light" is both a tragic and heart-warming novelette of human endurance. Not your typical tale of alien invasion or apocalypse, "Ray of Light" is the story...
From an award-winning author, science fiction short stories, featuring alternative history tale, hard sci-fi and post-apocalyptic tales. Ten astounding tales by triple award nominee Brad R. Torgersen. Go on fantastic new adventures at the bott...
An eclectic collection of science fiction and fantasy stories, including notes on the craft of writing from the author. Following in the success of his previous short fiction collection, Lights in the Deep, author Brad R. Torgersen is back wit...
A Chaplain's Assistant, serving in Earth's space fleet, is trapped behind enemy lines where he struggles for both personal survival and humanity's future. The mantis cyborgs: insectlike, cruel, and determined to wipe humanity from the face of the ...
THE WAYPOINT TO ULTIMATE POWER! Over a millennium in the past, humans fleeing Earth in slower-than-light vessels discovered the Waywork, an abandoned alien superhighway system that allows instantaneous travel from star to star. The problem: there ...
Political upheavals can be a very dangerous time, especially when ideologies are as far apart as they are now. Divided we Fall presents one possible future, one where powerful forces act behind the scenes to effect the change they've wished to create...