Brad Barkley’s first collection of short stories centers on the lives of working-class men and women frequently fighting desperation or dissatisfaction, but a few of the thirteen illuminating tales maintain hope, despite the long odds against happi...
Ever since sixteen-year-old Gabe Strickland can remember, his father, Roman, has believed in the sale: that magical moment on the customer’s porch, the deal about to close. But with each dizzying success comes an equally memorable failure, and Gabe...
A widow in her mid-thirties, Alison has been mourning for two years. Now living in small town West Virginia with her sister Sarah and brother-in-law Bill, Alison is unable to move on with her life. Finally, she promises Sarah and Bill that she will s...
In the spirit of Tobias Wolff and Richard Ford, these ten chilling, deeply felt stories from acclaimed author Brad Barkley explore the complexity of male friendships and marital relationships. Among the stories is "The Way It's Lasted," in which Bill...
Calliope (or Cal as she calls herself) wants nothing more than to stay put; to stop traveling cross-country with her mother, sleeping in a tent, and abandoning all belongings whenever they pull up stakes. Meanwhile, eliot misses the happy times he le...
With his keen ability to evoke characters in the South and Middle America who find themselves in reduced circumstances, Brad Barkley restores our faith in human beings to endure the ravages of time with decency and humor. Out of intense loyalty, Ree...