Author Information
Bobby Akart's Latest Book

Newest Release

  • Bibliography:
    72 Books (10 Series)
  • First Book:
    June 2015
  • Latest Book:
    January 2025
  • Author Rating:
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Full Series List in Order


1 - 36 Hours (Aug-2016)
2 - Zero Hour (Aug-2016)
3 - Turning Point (Oct-2016)
4 - Shiloh Ranch (Jan-2017)
5 - Hornet's Nest (Feb-2017)
6 - Devil's Homecoming (Mar-2017)

The Boston Brahmin

1 - The Loyal Nine (Jun-2015)
2 - Cyber Attack (Sep-2015)
3 - Martial Law (Dec-2015)
4 - False Flag (Mar-2016)
5 - The Mechanics (Jul-2016)
6 - Choose Freedom (Sep-2016)
7 - Patriot's Farewell (Oct-2017)
8 - Black Friday (Nov-2021)


1 - Doomsday (Nov-2018)
2 - Doomsday Haven (Dec-2018)
3 - Doomsday Anarchy (Jan-2019)
4 - Doomsday Minutemen (Feb-2019)
5 - Doomsday Civil War (Apr-2019)


1 - The Shift (Sep-2019)
2 - The Pulse (Oct-2019)
3 - The Collapse (Nov-2019)
4 - The Flood (Jan-2020)
5 - The Tempest (Feb-2020)
6 - The Pioneers (Mar-2020)

Gunner Fox

1 - Asteroid Discovery (Jun-2019)
2 - Asteroid Diversion (Jul-2019)
3 - Asteroid Destruction (Aug-2019)
4 - Odessa Reborn (Aug-2020)
5 - Odessa Rising (Sep-2020)
6 - Odessa Strikes (Dec-2020)

Lone Star

1 - Axis of Evil (Dec-2017)
2 - Beyond Borders (Jan-2018)
3 - Lines in the Sand (Feb-2018)
4 - Texas Strong (Apr-2018)
5 - Fifth Column (Apr-2018)
6 - Suicide Six (Jun-2018)

Nuclear Winter

1 - First Strike (Feb-2021)
2 - Armageddon (Mar-2021)
3 - Whiteout (Apr-2021)
4 - Devil Storm (May-2021)
5 - Desolation (Jun-2021)


1 - Beginnings (May-2017)
2 - The Innocents (Jun-2017)
3 - Level 6 (Jul-2017)
4 - Quietus (Aug-2017)

Virus Hunters

1 - Virus Hunters 1 (Apr-2020)
2 - Virus Hunters 2 (Jun-2020)
3 - Virus Hunters 3 (Jul-2020)


1 - Hellfire (Jul-2018)
2 - Inferno (Aug-2018)
3 - Fallout (Sep-2018)
4 - Survival (Oct-2018)

Book List in Order: 72 titles

  • All Empires Collapse Eventually and America is No Exception.From critically acclaimed author Bobby Akart, The Loyal Nine is a gripping novel of an America teetering on the edge of economic and societal collapse.With social unrest sweeping the country...

  • A terrifyingly realistic, prescient new series ... which can only be described as prophetic. - G. Michael Hopf, best selling author of The New World series
    America is one bad news story away from societal and economic collapse.
    As one cyber at...

  • The end begins tomorrow. “Author Bobby Akart possesses the analytic capability of a supercomputer coupled with the expressiveness of an exceptional writer.” ~ Amazon Reviews A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enoug...

  • false flag ('fols 'flag): An operation designed to deceive in such a way that events appear as though they are being carried out by perpetrators other than those who actually planned and executed them. A false flag is used as an ideolgical weapon to ...

  • How do the weak vanquish the powerful?America has been crippled by a false flag, cyber attack event and martial law has been implemented across the nation. A President, desperate to hold onto power, works in conjunction with the United Nations and us...

  • WHAT WOULD YOU DOif a voice was screaming in your head - GET READY . . .for a catastrophic event of epic proportions . . .with no idea where to start . . .or how, or when?This is a true story, it just hasn't happened yet.A new dystopian, post-apocaly...

  • WOULD YOU HAVE THE MINDSET TO SURVIVE?to provide for, and defend the ones you love . . .at all costs . . .willing to confront . . .the depravity of man?This is a true story, it just hasn't happened yet.A new dystopian, post-apocalyptic fiction series...

  • When faced with the tough choices necessary to preserve our nation’s ideals, I say we Choose Freedom! With those words, the new American patriots, operating under the specter of their forefathers, undertook the impossible - defeating the tyranny wh...

  • Ya' lives by the sun, ya' dies by the sun.Life is always at a turning point . . .when faced with a certain death . . .would you be willing to seize the moment . . .and do what it takes to survive?Know this. You'll never know where the bend in the roa...

  • I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me. ~ Madison RymanThe strongest emotion of man is fear and ...Fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of all.Could you face fear head on?Can you forget all those moments whe...

  • When you poke the hornets' nest, ya better make dang sure you kill 'em all. If you don't, you're gonna suffer their wrath.In a post apoclyptic world ...You will face adversity ...You may be threatened by forces greater than yours ...Will you have the...

  • Build. Destroy. Rebuild.The dawn of human existence has proven ...we are warlike creatures.Civilizations are built, then they're destroyed.After destruction, will you have the tenacity to overcome obstacles and rebuild?Your fellow man may be the bigg...

  • They attack with impunity, and without prejudice.Their goal - to destroy you, from within.A merciless enemy, just one-billionth our size.WELCOME TO THE NEXT GLOBAL WARA new dystopian, post-apocalyptic fiction series from author Bobby Akart (The Black...

  • And so it begins, the disease enters on the quiet feet of The Innocents.It invades each and every one of us.But, they say, plagues are like fires.At some point, they burn themselves out. Or not.FEAR AND RUMOR CAN BE FAR MORE DANGEROUS THAN THE VIRUS...

  • Deadly outbreaks of diseases make headlines, but not at the start.Every pandemic begins small, subtle, and in faraway places.When it arrives, it spreads across oceans and continents, like the sweep of nightfall, killing millions, or even billions.BE...

  • Quietus est ... he is quit.There is no such thing as an ending, just a new beginning.Throughout the millennia, extinction has been the norm and survival, the exception.When faced with the hour of departure, will mankind fight to survive?NOT ONLY WAS ...

  • In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way. ~ FDRSixteen-time best selling thriller author, Bobby Akart, returns to the Boston Brahmin series with page-turning action and timely political intrigue see...

  • The Axis of Evil had the perfect strategy. Destroy the heartbeat of America. Invade with their million man army. But there was one thing they didn't count on ... Texas. Author Bobby Akart once again masterfully intertwines historical fact with plau...

  • An EMP is a high-tech means of killing people the old fashioned way - through starvation, disease, and societal collapse. ~ Dr. Peter Vincent PryThey never saw it coming. The most technologically advanced missile defense system in the world ...Thousa...

  • As America suffered, Borders were defined and Lines in the Sand were drawn. Cross them ... you suffer the consequences. The critically acclaimed Lone Star Series continues with Line in the Sand. Author Bobby Akart masterfully intertwines historical f...

  • Enemy forces gather under the veil of darkness;Mobilizing to strike a fledgling nation.Will this clandestine Fifth Column achieve its acts ofsabotage?Remember, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.Once again, political suspense collides with post-apoca...

  • Texas Free! Texas Strong!A battle cry rallied a new nation.But a storm is brewing which could challenge the Texans' way of life.A warning is issued ... you better leave well enough alone because you don't know nothin' about Texas Strong.The Lone Star...

  • We'll live to fight another day!The Lone Star Series continues as international best selling author, Bobby Akart (The Blackout Series, The Pandemic Series, The Boston Brahmin series and the Prepping for Tomorrow series) intertwines historical fact wi...

  • HELLFIRE BLURB Yellowstone is controlled by nature. Its beauty is breathless and tranquil. Crystal clear streams flow. Buffalo roam freely. It's what's happening beneath that will bring HELLFIRE! The Yellowstone Series, a new disaster thriller from i...

  • Our world has been ravaged five times. It’s been fried, and then frozen; gassed with poison; smothered with ash; and bombarded from space. Will it happen again? Most certainly. When? Any time.The Yellowstone Series, a new disaster thriller from int...

  • Yellowstone was not an ordinary volcano. It was a cannon of immense size, equal in destructive capability to all of mankind's nuclear weapons - combined. It was quite frankly, Earth's greatest killer. The Yellowstone Series, a new disaster thrill...

  • Our world has ended five times. It's been fried, and then frozen. Gassed with poison; smothered with ash; and bombarded from space. Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.

    The Yellowstone Series, a new disaster thriller from criti...

  • A war was brewing within our borders. Not a war with weapons, but one with words. Until now. And so it begins ... From critically acclaimed author, Bobby Akart, Doomsday, a new post-apocalyptic survival thriller, is a gripping series of America on t...

  • Dark, powerful forces, willing to stop at nothing.A conspiracy deep-rooted throughout our institutions.A cyber attack. An EMP. Drone warfare.Americans caught in the crosshairs. Doomsday had begun.Author Bobby Akart once again masterfully tells a tale...

  • In DOOMSDAY: ANARCHY, the Doomsday series continues as the fuse has been lit and the battle has been taken to Main Street, USA. Sitting on the sidelines is no longer an option as Americans are pitted against Americans in a nation on the cusp of a ...

  • America faces a battle upon which the blood of tyrants and patriots will be shed.Doomsday had swept the country.Best selling author Bobby Akart once again masterfully tells a tale of a nation on the edge of societal collapse. For decades, Americans h...

  • A nation cannot be civil without civility. To some, civility cannot be restored until power is regained. A Civil War was a necessary evil, but make no mistake, it was evil. What do we, as human beings, owe to one another? And, what does it mean t...

  • Gunner Fox finds himself in a place of darkness, without a reason to live.Until now. An asteroid is on a collision course with our planet.Gunner Fox is on a collision course with death."... an intense, adrenaline filled, emotional thriller ..."DISCOV...

  • Space is far from empty. It's full of debris ... wandering nomads seeking a target. Including Asteroid IM86, large enough to destroy us all. When the world needs a hero, they turn to Gunner Fox who will move Heaven to save Earth. ____________________...

  • Heaven and Earth collide in DESTRUCTION, the thrilling conclusion to the Asteroid series. "... outstanding fast paced action book..." The planet was spared an extinction level event, but that doesn't mean everyone survived. While the world is p...

  • Earth is alive. Deep beneath her skin is our planet's life blood. Rivers of molten iron, pushing around a core - her beating heart. This moving, fluid iron generates the magnetic field maintaining the delicate balance of life on earth. Until she ...

  • Life on Earth hangs in the balance, and only a handful of people realize it. Until the first Geostorm hits Europe. As the poles shift, the planet's magnetic field weakens, stripping away our protection from the Sun's power. That which giv...

  • As the magnetic field reverses, a well-intentioned president tries to avert the worst-case scenario The Collapse of the power grid.But does his decision create mayhem nonetheless?In an attempt to avoid the collapse of society, does he cause it?"G...

  • Since the formation of Earth billions of years ago, it has been through cataclysmic changes. She's been frozen and fried, pummeled from space and experienced the reversal of its magnetic poles. It's happening now and the face of the planet ma...

  • Since the beginning of time, four billion life forms have been created.Ninety-nine percent are now extinct.The human species is the youngest of them all.A mere blink in the eye of time -Time, which is running out. “I couldn’t put it down....

  • Imagine a world where rising sea levels inundate coastal megacities. People flock to higher ground, only it was too late. Entire species became extinct in the blink of an eye, and conflicts are fought over dwindling resources. It's not so diffic...

  • Dr. Harper Randolph listens to dead men tell their tales.From the imaginative mind of international bestselling author, Bobby Akart, comes a series ripped from today's headlines. Meet the Virus Hunters, the disease detectives on the front line of a n...

  • We always want to believe history happened to those in the past. Many aspects of historical events were unforeseen. However, not this one. Warnings had been issued, yet the world was unprepared for the invisible enemy that threatened to kill us all.W...

  • The fight to defeat new, deadly pathogens never ends. Each time we achieve a victory, the battleground shifts. There is a new outbreak, a new virus, a new enigma. The microbes are not lurking in search of human prey. We find them. From the imaginativ...

  • Not all things lost in the Bermuda Triangle are lost forever.A science expedition sends out a frantic distress call.It suddenly ends with a chilling apology.What have we done?International bestselling author, Bobby Akart, one of America's favorite st...

  • Around the globe, old horrors are reborn.Neo-Nazi activity is on the rise.Intelligence agencies are bombarded with terrorist chatter.What is real and what is a diversion?International bestselling author, Bobby Akart, one of America's favorite storyte...

  • In the not too distant past, along the Mississippi River,North America tried to tear itself in half.It failed. It won't the second time.New Madrid.A standalone disaster thriller from international bestselling author, Bobby Akart, one of America's fav...

  • Odessa is real and more deadly than ever.A bioterror threats instills terror in the Western world.Can the Nazis, resurrected from the dead, fight one more battle?The clock is ticking and the world waits to see where Odessa Strikes!International bests...

  • Nuclear war may kill millions.Nuclear Winter will kill billions. International bestselling author, Bobby Akart, one of America's favorite storytellers, delivers up-all-night thrillers to readers in 245 countries and territories worldwide.Love the int...

  • Nuclear Armageddon hangs over us like a mighty sword.Some said it would be the war to end all wars.They were wrong. The real battle against extinction was just beginning.International bestselling author, Bobby Akart, one of America's favorite storyte...

  • Nuclear fallout circled the Earth like a blanket of death.Temperatures plummeted. Crops and livestock died.Man turned on man in a desperate attempt to survive.And it was just the beginning.International bestselling author, Bobby Akart, one of America...

  • Nuclear fallout wrapped the planet in a blanket of soot, blocking the sun's rays, wreaking havoc on the atmosphere. The planet was plunged into a deep chill that would last for years. Plants withered. Animals died. Famine exacted its toll on the huma...

  • As Nuclear Winter wrapped its gloomy arms around the planet,man experienced a state of anguished misery and desolation.In order to survive, some became territorial, shunning outsiders.Those in positions of leadership wielded it like a club.While othe...

  • A cyber attack against the Texas power grid. Environmental terrorists that will stop at nothing to end production of oil. A family that will go to their own extremes to protect their legacy and beloved state of Texas.This is BLACK GOLD, a pulse-pound...

  • The Boston Brahmin return in the latest standalone novel in the series. Political intrigue. An unknown enemy. A threat to the heart of a nation. All on the busiest shopping day of the year - BLACK FRIDAY. International bestselling author, Bobby Akart...

  • It began as a spectacle like no other - The Night of the Northern Lights.A phenomenal light show generated by the power of the sun. It ended in a powerless world thrust into chaos.It was the day the sun brought darkness.International bestselling auth...

  • Due to unforeseen circumstances, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.New York City was thrust into darkness and its dark underbelly revealed itself.As the power grid failed, the Big Apple exploded as the thin veneer of civilization...

  • Imagine the Unimaginable.America's power grid has been unplugged by a natural disaster caused by the sun. What was supposed to be a phenomenal light show, a spectacle like no other, turned into chaos, mayhem, and death.Ordinary Americans found themse...

  • The Perfect Storm arrived.The power grid was destroyed.Society collapsed and anarchy rose.Can courage and the love of family ensure survival?International bestselling author, Bobby Akart, one of America's favorite storytellers, delivers up-all-night ...

  • California faces threats from earthquakes, droughts, and wildfires.Yet, there is another cataclysm, enormous rivers of rain whose fury have wreaked havoc and ruin in the past.Scientists' fears have been realized. It's coming.ARkStorm - The Other Big ...

  • California is a land divided by an 800 mile long rupture known as the San Andreas Fault.The state's heart, the Central Valley, hasn't experienced the fault's full fury, at least not in modern times.Until now. A standalone disaster thriller from inter...

  • California is a state shaped by its explosive past.In recent years, the state's been flooded and then ripped apart by tremors.Now, the earth's crust is heaving like the chest of a gasping beast.The ground has grown restless around Mammoth Mountain as...

  • America was on the brink of collapse.The fabric of society was torn apart.The economy was in shambles.Ordinary Americans experienced death by a thousand cutsand it was coming soon to your neighborhood.International bestselling author, Bobby Akart, on...

  • The end of America came slowly.It was death by a thousand cuts.The collapse came in a rush.Survival would require a thousand stitches.You can't turn the pages fast enough in this survival thriller series from international bestselling author, Bobby A...

  • The grid had collapsed.But was it temporary, like before?Or, had America's foes finally succeeded?Would the lives of the Friday Night Club be shattered as a result?International bestselling author, Bobby Akart, one of America's favorite storytellers,...

  • It was both predictable and inevitable.The gates they thought would protect them would fall.Some held out hope for the government to regain control.For four families, a decision had to be made.Should we stay or should we go ... beyond the gates?Inter...

  • Nuclear war would be the war to end all wars. This is how the world ends. But ...The real battle for survival was just beginning.No one is immune from the horror of a war of extinction.The living will envy the dead.International bestselling author, B...

  • In a nuclear war, millions will die when the warheads detonate.The EMP effect will destroy power grids.It would be the war to end all wars. Yet ...In the aftermath, billions will die from nuclear winter.The real battle to avoid extinction is just beg...

  • The aftermath of Nuclear War covered the planet like a blanket of death.Man turned on man in a desperate attempt to survive.Livestock and crops died as temperatures plummeted.This is just the beginning of how the world ends.The living will envy the d...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Bobby Akart has published 72 books.

Bobby Akart does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Aftermath 5, was published in January 2025.

The first book by Bobby Akart, The Loyal Nine, was published in June 2015.

Yes. Bobby Akart has 10 series.