Investigating the death of his young son during a school field trip, John Fleming realizes that something is amiss at the school but remains undecided whether it is innocent hazing or a cruel form of torture...
As the jury deliberates the case against TV personality Edward Carne, on trial for his wife's murder, the accused man's fate lies with the twelfth juror, Robert Quinn, who has a deeply emotional interest in the outcome...
Detective Chief Inspector Tim Maybridge's criticism of the crime writers assembled at a weekend seminar provokes the murder of one of the writers, who is found in his bed with a taunting note to the Inspector pinned to the headboard...
Presents a compelling portrait of an evil, cold-blooded killer, the adorable, sweetly innocent, six-year-old Zanny, who is responsible for the murders of her little foster brother and the bread man, among others...
Imprisoned for her participation in a violent protest demonstration, upper-middle-class C.P.A. Meave Barclay is released from her captivity into a bizarre and dangerous circle of acquaintances, among them her prison pal Rene...
Obsessed with the photograph of a Victorian beauty, Lowell Marshall becomes embroiled in a baffling mystery when, at a secluded cottage, he comes face to face with Rose, the portrait's double and a lady harboring dark secrets...
The sudden death of Professor Peter Bradshaw and his wife was ruled accidental... But in light of the forensic pathologist's damning testimony in the Rapunzel murder cases - in which five prostitutes were strangled, long hair wrapped around their nec...