When a mysterious geologist stumbles in out of the rain with tales of hidden oil deposits on the outskirts of town, Cluvarous Jones and his family will never be the same. Set on the boom-or-bust frontier at the turn of the century, this is a timeless...
As Hector Lopez runs against the frigid Chicago wind clutching the bleeding girl in his arms, he hopes his ailing heart doesn't fail before he reaches the medical clinic. Even after safely delivering the child and continuing on his way to work, Hecto...
When a young and aggressive businessmnan's jeep breaks down in the middle of the San Juan slickrock desert in Southeastern Utah, he meets an old man who gives him water and feeds him, an old man he has never before seen. But the old man, whose face i...
A choice novel that combines a fine little story with a few lessons for making life more meaningful. The story revolves around a Native American family that has left behind the grandfather to die, at his request. When he doesn't, he follows after the...
President Howard W. Hunter has said, "Every person can and must make spiritual progress." In Spiritual Progression in the Last Days, Blaine M. Yorgason explains how we can move forward in our spiritual progress, despite the problems of everyday life...
When Eliza and Billy Foreman are called on a mission to settle the San Juan country of southeastern Utah Territory, Eliza doesn't know what to do. A native of London, England, she considers herself a lady, much too fine to be pioneering in a howling ...
Adults scorned him, school children jeered him, yet Charlie was determined that his life would amount to something, that he would have not lived in vain. Born with only one arm, a twisted back, and badly deformed legs, and orphaned while still a b...