Spencer Kane, a teenager on vacation with his family at Shadow Lake, Michigan, finds himself in the middle of peculiar, even paranormal situations that affect many of the lake residents. Spencer and his friends unknowingly cause the events to intensi...
This is Book #2 (REVISED) of the Spencer Kane Adventure series. Spencer and his father remain at Shadow Lake to close up the cottage, once Spencer is released from the hospital due to a near-fatal poisoning. His mother, Amy and brother, Zack were sen...
Part 3 of 3 (2014 Rev) for the Shadow Lake series of Spencer Kane Adventures. After the rescue of his dad and friends from Shadow Lake in book #2, Escape From Shadow Lake, Spencer and his family try to get back to a normal home life. Just as the fami...
Evan and Beca Brady thought they had the next ten years of their lives all planned. Hard work and long hours led them closer to their goals. They gradually added to the nest egg that would afford them children, a bigger house, and a bright future. An...
Spencer Kane continues his chilling adventures, this time with a last-minute change of plans for spring break. With his Florida beach trip canceled, he agrees to help a friend, Cassie Vance, check out a home her family inherited from her uncle in sou...