The mysterious disappearance of Lady Kathyrn Pendul has Scotland Yard baffled and left without evidence against the only suspect, her husband, Sir Royden. In a desperate attempt to gain evidence, Inspector Wesley persuades Elizabeth Courtland, under...
Rebecca Hall, a lovely young nurse from Louisiana, travels with her family to a thriving riverboat town on the Ohio River in the late 1800’s and eventually married Charles Thain. Rebecca happiness is short-lived as things quickly deteriorate and he...
Laurel Marsh, orphaned at the age of four, spent an unhappy life with her aunt, Edna Marsh. As soon as she met Caroline Blissendale Cayman, the young socialite of Crescent Lake, her lonely, pathetic existence finally comes to an abrupt halt with her...
From the time she was a small girl, 28-year-old Maggie Gaffney disregarded the gift that her Granny Gaffney proudly insisted she had inherited from her father. She always regarded the premonitions and overwhelming feelings of danger as nothing specia...
It is first time that Isabella Galloway has returned to Evansville since she made her escape from her egotistical and controlling mother four years earlier. Bella would not have come now, if it were not for Leona Hodge, the woman she considered her r...
Career Killer, Chance Conner's first novel, examines the rise and fall of newspaper reporter Jack Clancy, whose cockiness and sometimes reckless style land him in trouble - or get him out of it, as well. Career Killer takes place during several iconi...
Anne Legate was born out of wedlock and at the turn of the twentieth century these circumstances of her birth were not only considered disgraceful but caused society to shun her. After her mother's death, young Anne was forced to play the role of ser...
For Reece Hensley, the extraordinary Barclay Manor was somewhere she would never be welcomed. However for her sister Olivia, it was a fantasy kingdom, where their beautiful Aunt Norah had married her prince, Garrett Barclay, and went there to live on...
In 1906, things were going quite well for Lieutenant Banks and his wife, Maggie. They were happily expecting their first child in few short months. Then everything changed when a body of a woman was found murdered in Willard Park. It was bad enough ...
Althea Hawley never knew her father Albert Miles Hawley, or any of the wealthy Hawley family. Her mother was widow with two young daughters and had married Albert for security, Althea was born a year later and Albert died when she was two. Althea hal...
Fledgling advice columnist, Loraine Scotsman, is shocked when she starts receiving threatening letters. Every advice columnist receives their share of hate mail, but these letters leave her scared for her safety and that of her young son. Recently d...