THE SEVENTH TAKING is the chilling tale of a young man’s journey through harsh mountain country in his search for the girl he loves, and the two friends who dare to brave the dangerous elements -- both human and natural -- to support a friend. When...
Two years after Clint Wolf's life has been disrupted forever, he's asked to serve as police chief for a quiet little town deep in the swamps ofLouisiana. But the tranquility of the town is shattered when a severedarm is found in the jowls of an allig...
It's November in southeast Louisiana and the only thing Detective Brandon Berger wants is to keep his anniversary promise to his wife. As luck would have it, a mysterious death derails his plans. He begins to investigate the case along with his partn...
When a woman is found dead on her doorsteps -- shot through the heart with an arrow -- Clint Wolf and Susan Wilson go to work trying to track down the sadistic killer. On the very next day, a second victim is murdered in his driveway (killed in the s...
When the sniper-style murder of an alligator poacher puts two rival families on edge, Police Sniper London Carter and Detective Sergeant Dawn Luke join forces to solve the case. But they'll have their work cut out for them as the two families recruit...
Days after Police Sniper London Carter resolves a hostage situation at a local business, Detective Sergeant Dawn Luke calls upon him to assist her with a mysterious death investigation. They end up facing numerous roadblocks in their quest for the tr...
When a man is shot dead on Martha Kleen's doorsteps, Clint Wolf's first order of business is to identify the victim. This is no easy task, but once the man's identity is confirmed, Clint is left with more questions than answers. He develops a few sus...
When a bank customer calls in a strange complaint, Detective Clint Wolf responds to find the place locked down and no one around. Once inside, he makes a grisly discovery that will set him on an investigative journey filled with unanswered questions,...
When Mechant Loup detective Clint Wolf stops a vehicle for reckless driving, he doesn't find a drunk driver or an irresponsible teenager inside. Instead, he discovers a distraught father in a desperate search for his missing sons. Upon learning the b...
In Mechant Loup, Louisiana, a woman is dead and her son is missing. Clint Wolf's first order of business is to figure out if the death was an accident or a homicide, but evidence is lacking and a motive is non-existent. A fingerprint recovered from t...
Getting beaten to death is bad enough-but to be left naked and dead on the side of the road? That's just cruel. Detective Brandon Berger is called to investigate the case, but it doesn't look good. Evidence is lacking and the victim's identity is unk...
Slashed tires. A stolen truck. Three dead bodies...and many more injured.It's up to Detective Clint Wolf and his team to decide if this was an act of terror or a targeted attack.With so many injured and a crime scene that drags through the streets of...
On a Monday afternoon in July, three Mechant Loup boys leave baseball practice on their bicycles...and vanish.The plan had been for Cory, Ruben, and Allen to camp in the woods east of town after baseball practice, but when they don't return home the ...
Andy Verdin survived the many perils of World War II, but will the ninety-six-year-old survive the muddy waters of Mechant Loup, Louisiana?An overdue fisherman, a mysterious object dropping from the sky, a bizarre murder case, and a wife about to go ...
A prowler complaint in Mechant Loup East leads to a foot chase for Officer Shade Rankin, and shots are fired. Across town, a woman is found brutally murdered and Clint Wolf is called to investigate. As the investigation unfolds, a voodoo doll is foun...
Deep in the swamps of Louisiana, Detective London Carter investigates a double murder in Magnolia Parish.A father and son are watching television in their living room when they are suddenly and brutally gunned down. It doesn't take London long to dev...
Clint Wolf is back, and he's teaming up with retired police sniper London Carter to face down some of the most formidable criminals he's ever encountered. After government officials deemed their property uninhabitable, residents of a small Louisiana ...