Years before the events of "Star Wars: A New Hope," Artoo-Detoo and See-Threepio found themselves in a series of misadventures with pirates, bounty hunters, and rock monsters, as they did their best to stick together in an often dangerous galaxy....
A fun, family space adventure just for kids, but with all the retro-silly banter adults will love. Matt Mercury, Plot of the Galactic Mastermind is the novelization of an innovative new feature film that recalls all the colorful fun we remember from ...
A fun, family space adventure just for kids, but with all the retro-silly banter adults will love. Matt Mercury, Plot of the Galactic Mastermind is the novelization of an innovative new feature film that recalls all the colorful fun we remember from ...
Julian St. Laurent is being targeted for murder and doesn t know why.
For the antiquities professor, life s highway has been a cone-cluttered construction project. Julian is blindsided by yet another cone when he is drawn into the homicide investi...