Dawn of the Assassin is an action/adventure thriller in which David Diegert, a young man of mixed race from a dysfunctional family, is coerced into becoming a hitman for an immensely wealthy, powerful man. Thrust into violent situations, he surprises...
...an action packed, exciting, page turner that kept me glued from page one. - Jessica Belmont, Book BloggerDavid Diegert is ensnared into serving Crepusculous, the secret society that controls the economy. In spite of his reluctance, Diegert is coer...
David Diegert is sucked deeper into Crepusculous, where corrupting influences challenge his assassin's code. Avery Forsythe, his Crepusclous trainer, seeks to guide David into a life dedicated to the global goals of the world's most secret society. D...
Revenge beats hot in the heart of David Diegert. Using the ultimate disguise, Diegert exacts vengeance on the treacherous Wei family. Following his mission, the assassin finds the most unexpected thing; love. With charm and beauty, Julie Kellerman st...