This gripping, ultimately hopeful tale of an Abenaki-French Canadian girl in 1920s Vermont explores a dark episode in New England history.
Just as the waters of a river roar through her town, Molly Ballou's life is riding on a swift current, wher...
Shawna and Thea are working together on a math project for their eighth-grade class. But the numbers don't add up, and they make a startling discovery -- the secret room in the basement of Thea's house, an old Vermont inn. The code on the walls makes...
When Alice Sanborn and best friend Jerushah cross paths with a bounty hunter in rural northern Vermont, the teens stage a daring rescue for former slave Sarah Johnson -- but winter weather, politics, and challenges of mountain life bring more danger....
Author of The Long Shadow a Spur Finalist in the Western Writers of America 2019 Spur Awards - Best Western Historical Novel Alice Sanborn, seventeen years old in October 1852, expects Abolitionist political operative Solomon McBride to court her. S...
Home-brewed medicines, a mysterious family of women making them, and a threat to the local funding of the Abolition movement: 15-year-old Almyra Alexander struggles with all of these, as well as adapting to the rough, unpolished life in a northern Ve...