A member of the first generation to come of age during the "War on Terror," Sammy Harvitz is fighting his own internal war, struggling to figure out who he is and where he belongs amidst the institutions that have surrounded him since childhood. Foll...
Set in post-Giuliani New York City, The Sea Beach Line melds mid-20th- century pulp fiction and traditional Jewish folklore as it updates the classic story of a young man trying to find his place in the world. After being expelled from Oberlin for...
Young Randall dreams of adventures until one day he’s sent off on a mission to discover the neighboring king’s secret. When he returns, he’s thrown in a dungeon and despairs until Princess Tilda ― the power behind the throne â€" entices him t...
A delightful celebration of Jewish delicatessens in an accessible comics format, full of history and humor, and guaranteed to make you hungry.Beloved culinary and cultural institutions, Jewish delis are wonderlands of amazing flavors and great food -...