An enchanting urban fantasy middle-grade debut―the first book in a trilogy―set in a magical hotel full of secrets. Orphan Elizabeth Somers’s malevolent aunt and uncle ship her off to the ominous Winterhouse Hotel, owned by the peculiar Norbr...
Bookish puzzles, phantom mysteries, and evil curses await as Elizabeth returns to Winterhouse in Book 2 of this magical series. Back at the Winterhouse hotel for another holiday season, Elizabeth and Freddy dig deeper into the mystery surrounding ...
After the tragic loss of their sister, Zack and his siblings band together to investigate a Morse Code-inspired mystery in this stunning novel about grief and resilience. When Zack’s younger sister dies in a tragic accident, his family ...
A New York Times Bestseller "Imaginative and entertaining … Readers will breathlessly turn the pages as they wonder: Can the duo solve the mysteries of The Nine in time to save it from those who wish it -- and them -- ill?" --...
The New York Times bestselling series returns! Zander and Natasha must reverse an evil spell threatening the Number Nine Plaza’s very existence in this puzzle-bending mystery -- for fans of The Swifts. Summer is in f...