Drama and danger abound in this fantasy realm where dukes play a game for the throne, magical warriors race to find the missing heir, and romance blossoms where it is least expected. In a world where dukes plot their way to the throne, a Performer...
Johanna and Rafi are in a race against time to save their country before a power-mad Keeper destroys everything they hold dear. As the last of the royal line, Johanna is the only person who can heal a magical breach in the wall that separates her ...
Fight for your dreams, even if it means breaking a few rules."A wonderful baseball story." â€" Miranda Kenneally, author of Catching Jordan"This one’s sure to be a home run with readers!" â€" Katy Upperman, author of Kissing Max Holden"A strong fem...
From Stealing Home author Becky Wallace comes a Devil Wears Prada-inspired YA romance, in which “normal girl” Maddie must repair the image of Major League Soccer’s bad boy to ace her internship. A perfect read for fans of Morgan Matson and Mira...