After winning the California karate championship, Daniel journeys to Okinawa with Mr. Miyagi to see his mentor's dying father and becomes involved with an old feud, a new girl, and a vicious, ruthless young karate expert...
Third graders to the rescue! Partner, the Police Department horse, wasn't headed for a very happy retirement. Unless somebody came up with the money to put him out to pasture, he'd be turned food! That's how Rent a Third Grader got starte...
THEY'VE REALLY GOT BIG PROBLEMS NOW! It's a strange world with bees the size of flying dump trucks and bottle caps as big as boats. No, it's not another planet. Fifteen-year-old Amy and her little brother Nick are right in their own backyard. Along ...
A group of kids discovers that there really are monsters under the bed and that these creatures are busy playing video games, eating junk food, and getting into trouble for which children are invariably blamed...
Only the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles can save New York City from a predatory criminal ninja clan known as the Foot....
Thinking her new karate skills would be a good way to teach a lesson to a gang of bullies at her high school, Julie must remember Mr. Miyagi's teachings about controlling her anger if she is to keep her self-respect. Movie tie-in....