From the man The New York Times Book Review called "an uncommon diagnostician of the curiosities of the human heart" and hailed on NPR (National Public Radio) as "the stand-up comedian of the unconscious" comes this extraordinary new c...
In Haunted Traveller, his most personal and ambitious work, Barry Yourgrau takes the reader on a postmodern literary journey like no other. Here are forty-four fantastic episodes that together paint an imaginary memoir of one man s yearning, alienate...
I can never remember my dreams, so Mr. Yourgrau’s stories are a pretty good substitute.” David ByrneBarry Yourgrau’s imagination makes critics reach: Fellini? Kafka? Freud in a funny hat? Yourgrau is a fantasist l...
Invicius Ponticius Supalicius. . .Magilili . . . Lililiculus? Duncan Peckle's young life changes forever the day his mysterious relative -- Uncle Dudley of the great voyages -- arrives in Mt. Geranium for the summer. No sooner have Duncan's parent...
When his mother gets kidnapped by goblins, Rollo is certain that all his years of reading comic books will finally serve its purpose as he heads off to face evil doctors, vicious toy poodles, and other curses and creatures during his dangerous quest ...
Ever tasted a NuttiNutz candy bar? Has your Mom been kidnapped recently? Know what a Samurai Swordboy is? Are you afraid of terrible curses? Or goblins? Or Toy Poodles? How 'bout (gulp) older sisters?? Do fake false teeth ever talk to you? He...
Since the NASTYest things come in tiny packages, this delightfully twisted collection features super short stories, poems, dialogues, and one-sentence tales guaranteed to make readers laugh, shiver, and shudder....
Ever dreamed of strolling through a Dali print? Or stepping into a fairy tale? Open "A Man Jumps Out of an Airplane" and experience the rush of having reality yanked from underfoot. This is the book that put Barry Yourgrau on the literary map, whe...