THE UNINVITED In the wake of a bizarre and devastating personal tragedy, Lindsey Kern has come to an elegant old town house in Boston to forget...and to begin her life over. But Lindsey Kern is not alone. Someone prowls her apartment at nigh...
Determined to complete her doctoral thesis after separating from her husband, Lauren Freeman becomes aware of a three-hundred-year-old secret that threatens her career, her friends, and the life of her young child. Original....
Involved in the case of her career--evaluating the sanity of accused killer Lindsey Kern, who claims that a ghost was the real killer--forensic psychologist Suki Jacobs finds her own life taking a bizarre turn when her teenage daughter becomes the pr...
How long can murder haunt a family? Until the wrong is put right, and the victim rests in peace. Here is a story of such a murder and haunting. Set in Lexington, Massachusetts, on the eve of the Civil War and in the present, THE SAFE ROOM follows the...