THE GARBAGE TRUCKS ARE HERE TODAY! Smashing, mashing, lights a-flashing, gobblin' garbage, GULPITY-GULP. From castaway furniture to last night's leftovers, no job is too big or too small for this rugged team. With an upbeat, rhythmic text, Smash! M...
Swish, zoom, swish. Clickety-clack! When a bus full of critters breaks down, a sleepy roadside café suddenly wakes up! Raccoons, elephants, zebras, and rams are only a few of the many animals demanding grub, and it is all that a cook and a waiter ca...
Cats in hard hats make work seem like play in this cheery, rhyming picture book about building something and having a loving family to share your accomplishments with. Construction cat wakes up at dawn, grabs her boots and tugs them on… It’...