In Adventure One of the trilogy, young David Nickerson deals with a series of family crises: his father's unemployment, his deafness after a serious illness and now, the mysterious disappearance of his sister Sally, crippled in the crash that killed ...
David's Trial by Fire Awaits. The unwitting hero and captain of the mystical sailing ship, Moon Singer, has yet to learn that his deafness is his greatest gift. This "disability," along with his possession of three sacred artifacts: The Singer Cryst...
In this third and final adventure, the prophecy of the Moon Singer is realized. But it all revolves around the answer to one question: Can music actually create and destroy life? If David, whose deafness still eludes treatment, cannot hear it, will h...
Racial hatred and sexual obsession lead to a heinous baby switching scheme, murder and political conspiracies. Now, one baby is dead and one alive. Can her father find her before it’s too late? The past twelve years of Michael Warren’s life begin...
Even in death, a mother guides her son through triumph and tragedy to his true destiny. Billie Nickerson must accept her own mortality as the only way her son will receive the intuitive gifts he was born to inherit, to save her family - and perhaps t...
On a flight to Washington D.C., environmental lobbyist Michael Warren's life begin to unravel. Michael is on his way to testify before a Senate Committee, and destroy the plans for a housing development built on land tainted with the same toxic waste...
A scar from cheek to chin is all Marc Jordan remembers of the man kneeling over his dead mother. Now, 15 years later, Marc searches his memory for clues; he hopes to be the first to find the killer. Murder, blackmail, corruption and betrayal leave a ...
From 18th Century France to 20th Century San Francisco, the Promise of the Rose Crystal both empowered and mystified Grace Moreau and her daughter Rose Wyndham. They fought for women’s rights, suffered prejudice and conspiracy theorists, and bl...
Where do light bulbs go when they burn out? Do they stay dead forever, or can they be regenerated to live a brand new life with a brand new purpose? If they're lucky, they go to Star Factory 13 to become glorious stars in the sky... after they pass a...