Although technically proficient, concert pianist Max Randall's playing no longer transcends the notes, and his personal life is in shambles, so during one summer of touring, he determines to transform his life and career...
“A large, lavishly inventive novel . . . an American descendant of The Arabian Nights . . . erudite and artful entertainment.” -- The New York Times Book Review At a Manhattan planetarium in 1965, ten-year-old Enzo is whisked away from his...
In this shimmering work of fiction, Nicholas Christopher follows the remarkable life of Franklin Flyer�"a restless young inventor named after the train on which he was born�"through the tumultuous years of the Great Depression, into the Second Worl...
Xeno Atlas grows up in the Bronx, his Sicilian grandmother's strange stories of animal spirits his only escape from the legacy of his mother's early death and his stern father's long absences as a common seaman. Shunted off to an isolated boarding sc...
This richly-detailed historical novel from master storyteller Nicholas Christopher features an unforgettable hero: Nicolo Zen is all alone in 1700s Venice, save for his clarinet, which a mysterious magician had enchanted, allowing its first player to...