The awkward child of a famous physician and a beautiful ballerina, Jane Guy journeys to Indonesia to attend medical school at a teaching facility that uses psychological abuse to motivate its students, and finds her only solace in Keefer, a fellow st...
Abandoned by her mother at age fourteen, Fran is used to fending for herself in the family's isolated Ontario farmhouse, but four years later, her mother begins calling the house with strange, sensuous lurid tales that will eventually transform Fran....
“Two Americans have life-altering experiences in Africa a century apart in this environmentalist adventure novel” by the author of Theory of Bastards (Kirkus Reviews). In 1899, Jeremy, a young engineer, leaves a small town in Maine to over...
The Philip K. Dick Award"winning sci-fi novel: “A riveting page-turner” about the behavior of primates -- human and otherwise -- “in a very near and dire future” (The Washington Post). Winner of the 2019 Neukom Institute Literary...
Based on the true story of the 1965 “dolphin house” experiment, this spellbinding novel captures the tenor of the social experiments of the 1960s in award-winning author Audrey Schulman’s tightly paced and evocative style.It is 1965, and Cora, ...