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A.P. Fuchs's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    37 Books (2 Series)
  • First Book:
    January 2003
  • Latest Book:
    April 2024
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Full Series List in Order

Axiom-Man Saga

1 - Axiom-Man (Sep-2006)
2 - The Dead Land (Aug-2008)
3 - City of Ruin (Nov-2012)

Undead World

1 - Blood of the Dead (Jul-2008)
2 - Possession of the Dead (Oct-2010)
3 - Redemption of the Dead (Nov-2012)

Book List in Order: 37 titles

  • Some moments come along and your world--your life--changes. Something shifts inside and everything's the same yet somehow different. Sometimes someone comes into your life and helps you to breathe for the first time, to think with clarity and to give...

  • At the end of Time there was Armageddon; the Earth was unprepared. The forces of Heaven and Hell warred and, presiding over the battle, was the Ark of Light, the arbiter of Armageddon. Then, what was supposed to have been the end of History suddenly ...

  • When the gates of Hell open and release its prisoners, the dead walk the earth. But they're not interested in devouring the flesh of the living. Instead, there is dirty laundry that needs to be aired, dark secrets to be revealed, secrets that will sh...

  • One night Gabriel Garrison was visited by a nameless messenger who bestowed upon him great power, a power intended for good. Once discovering what this power was and what it enabled him to do, Gabriel became Axiom-man, a symbol of hope in a city that...

  • Gabriel Garrison's secret identity has been compromised. A mysterious anonymous letter promises to reveal he is Axiom-man unless he bows down to the sender's demands. And the timing cannot have been worse. Redsaw has become more powerful than when Ax...

  • The messenger has fled, leaving Gabriel alone with mysterious abilities he knows little about. The things he can do, the powers-the options are limitless. But only if he knows how to use them. As he embarks on the path of discovery, Gabriel must try ...

  • One year ago, the world came to an end. First came the rain. Then came the screams. Then came the undead. The Haven became the only place in the city free of the walking dead. A place of community. A place to be safe. Now, things have changed. The zo...

  • A young boy goes missing. Taken, in the middle of the night. No clues. Nothing except the remnants of a black cloud, like the one coughed up from inside the Doorway of Darkness. A black cloud that takes Axiom-man to a world not his own. A dead world,...

  • The Macro Mechanic's Manifesto takes you deep into the world of independent publishing with essays pulled from A.P. Fuchs's archives, along with horror fiction, a superhero tale, poetry, photos, a self-publishing Q&A and more. This collection takes a...

  • Bodies litter the sand of a friendly beach. They have no muscles. No bones. They are just bags of skin.And they are alive.Axiom-man flies down to Florida to investigate only to discover this isn't your average series of murders. Something else caused...

  • Science.Research.Knowledge.The human intellect knows no bounds because of them.We’ve built cities and nations upon them.We’ve stopped the spread of terrible diseases because of what we’ve learned from them.Lives have been saved . . . but lives ...

  • In 2027 A.D., the Zombie Apocalypse took the world by storm and no one was prepared. Countless lives were lost as humanity battled to regain control of their planet. Eventually, they did, and out of the ashes of fallen civilization rose a new world, ...

  • 15 Tales of Darkness Lie Within this Thrilling Collection of Horrific Adventure / The Magic Man comes when you least expect him. Give him what he wants and he'll grant you your heart's desire, but are you prepared to pay the price? / A mother of two ...

  • Angels. Demons. Giant Zombies. Things have changed. Ever since returning through the Storm of Skulls to the present day, Joe, Billie and August have discovered the world they now inhabit, is not the world they left behind. The zombie threat has evolv...

  • When Duncan and his son Kyle are arrested for their faith, they are subjected to bloody and horrific torture that brings them to sanity’s edge and death’s door.Physically broken and emotionally spent, the real threat is if they will finally break...

  • Zach and Rose had fallen in love during their sophomore year, their worlds completely changed and utterly belonging to each other's. It was the first time either had fallen in love, deeply, purely. Aiming for a future together, plans were interrupted...

  • Now disconnected from their families, Zach and Rose try and make it on their own away from the war between vampire and slayer. But word has been spread to the undead that Zach needs to return to his family otherwise his mother will only make matters ...

  • Now submerged in the world of vampire slaying, Rose must come to terms with what that means for her relationship with Zach and if it's even possible for the two of them to be together. Meanwhile, every moment spent with Rose helps bridge the gaps in ...

  • Many summers ago, an evil presence known as a Bloodan visited Camp Silverway, a peaceful summer camp for teenage girls, and nearly killed a young girl named Shelly. Mary Thompson, a girl on a bunk bed near Shelly, watched as the creature made from bl...

  • The war between Good and Evil has raged since before Time began. Now the battle continues with the Ultimate Good versus the Ultimate Evil. Metahumans vs the Undead. Metahuman: one of the human species endowed with one or more powers beyond that of mo...

  • If only relationships were simple. While debating whether to reveal his secret identity to Valerie, Gabriel's personal plans are put on hold when darkness descends upon the city, each building, street and alley covered in a strange black cloud akin t...

  • A Rising Army. The Devil. War.The forces of Good and Evil are gathering, each side preparing themselves for what could be their last confrontation because the commander of the armies of darkness has arrived on Earth-the devil himself. Overwhelmed aft...

  • The Big Hairy Beast is Back! 16 authors bring you 16 terrifying tales of the Sasquatch and bring new meaning and fright to this mysterious hairy giant that lurks in the woods.From Bigfoot battles to trying to outrun the muscular monster, to being cau...

  • The city is under siege and people are dying. Brutal murders are being conducted from the shadows, with always one survivor deliberately left to tell the tale. And all are saying the same thing: Axiom-man has gone rogue. Now wanted by the law, Axiom-...

  • After exploring the city's underground in order to get a better feel for the criminal fraternity, Gabriel-under the guise of "Mike"-meets a young woman-Katie-who is more than what she seems. What first starts out as a night of mere surveillance and i...

  • A Stolen Weapon A Rising Enemy A Change to History Riley Connor was one of the best skilled mech-pilots in the war between the Expherions and the Supremechs. Now, with the war over, he serves as a Peacemaker, part military, part law enforcement. When...

  • After the divorce, all Jackson wanted was to spend the weekend with his father. He just didn't count on his dad pushing him to go into the haunted house at the carnival. Soon, Jackson is immersed in a colorful world of white paint, floppy shoes, rain...

  • Axiom-man has been captured and locked inside an enormous electric cage. Within? A small city and residential zone. Who made them or for what purpose, he doesn't know. One thing is certain, however: he is trapped and at the mercy of those who took hi...

  • Flash fiction. Short-short stories with a beginning, middle, and an end.

    Contained herein are a plethora of thrilling stories of adventure and intrigue, horror and danger, excitement and suspense.

    Ranging from tales of superheroics to ...

  • Worlds collide when Axiom-man finds himself sucked into a portal that leads to another world.

    A world with its own unique guardian: Auroraman.

    Also, something else came through the portal. Something dark. Something sinister.


  • Be careful going in the water.It lurks beneath the surface, thirsty for blood and hungry for flesh. It roams where it may and sometimes finds a feast to satisfy its need to kill.Book I: What is supposed to be a fun weekend with friends quickly turns ...

  • She Came Back into His LifeOnly to Die on HimThis transmission is a record of life in a dead city.Marty loved Selena. Maybe too much, but after their breakup, everything went to hell, including the world around him. Now, alone in a zombie-infested ci...

  • Surrounded by a strange red mist, Axiom-man finds himself in a world not his own.Not again.There is something different about this world, something familiar. Something that feels like . . . home. But this place of red mist and darkness belongs to ano...

    • / Fantasy
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    Surrounded by a strange red mist, Axiom-man finds himself in a world not his own.Not again.There is something different about this world, something familiar. Something that feels like . . . home. But this place of red mist and darkness belongs to ano...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A.P. Fuchs has published 37 books.

A.P. Fuchs does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Axiom-man/Crimson Cloak: Scarlet Synergy, was published in April 2024.

The first book by A.P. Fuchs, A Stranger Dead, was published in January 2003.

Yes. A.P. Fuchs has 2 series.