Perfect for fans of Isekai with an unusual twist, this tale of finding the divine is a godly treat!When the son of a cult leader is transported to a world without religion, he must bring the god he despised with him to save the world!The first volume...
Yukito is sacrificed to Mitama, a god he loathes, only to awaken in a world without religion. Suddenly face to face with the deity he once despised, Yukito must join forces with Mitama to protect his new friends from an empire bent on purging citizen...
Based on the hit anime Aoi Akashiro delivers a divine twist for Isekai fans who can explore a new world and existential themes.The writer of Classroom of the Elite traps readers in a world where Gods and mortals collide, in the quest for survival, an...
Based on the hit anime Aoi Akashiro delivers a divine twist for Isekai fans who can explore a new world and existential themes. In this second volume, the adventure intensifies as Yukito and Mitama face a painful betrayal that leads to the emergence...
Working for God in a Godless World Volume 3 continues the adventures from the hit anime on Crunchyroll. Yukito faces powerful opposition in his quest to protect his new world and home, alongside the God Mitama, whom he despises.In the third instalmen...