Mowzer, a cat, and her master, an old fisherman named Tom, set out on a perilous voyage to save the little fishing village of Mousehole from the ravages of the Great Storm-Cat and from the starvation that threatens the town...
Lean, lively Monkey causes havoc in the village. Fat, friendly Panda spends her days quietly munching bamboo. Who is more lovable? The Chinese villagers cannot decide, and call in a wise old monk to help them choose. Antonia Barber's "The Ghosts" ...
The walls of Eastern Europe have recently crumbled to reveal fascinating hidden cultures. To reflect this more open perspective, here is a collection of little-known folk tales from Poland, Slovakia, Russia, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia and Romania. ...
A Russian tsar tells each of his three sons to shoot an arrow and marry the woman he finds where the arrow lands. Imagine the feelings of the youngest son when he discovers a large frog holding his arrow in her mouth. He marries the frog, only to ...
A TIMELESS CHRISTMAS SKY ORIGINAL FILM, STARRING MARK GATISS, SIMON CALLOW AND TAMSIN GREIG'Charming, magical and life-affirming, Antonia Barber's clever and moving tale has become a much-loved favourite. The Wheel of Time spins - and off we go into ...