In an alternate Atlanta where magic is practiced openly, where witches sip coffee at local cafes, shapeshifters party at urban clubs, vampires rule the southern night like gangsters, and mysterious creatures command dark caverns beneath the city, Dak...
"Thank you to the powers-that-be for the opportunity to be one of the first readers captivated by Dakota Frost and her magical tats. Addictive, sassy, sexy, funny, intense, brilliant." --Bitten By Books, on Frost Moon"With Blood Rock, Anthony Franci...
Artificial intelligence. AI. The spark that brings about the robot apocalypse. In fiction, AIs always have weaknesses: they're vulnerable to logical paradoxes, back door viruses and pesky EMP blasts. Real AIs would have no such comforting limitati...
From an Epic Award winning author comes a sprawling tale of brass buttons, ray guns, and two-fisted adventure In an alternate empire filled with mechanical men, women scientists, and fantastic contraptions powered by steam, a high ranking office...
Sky's Big SurpriseSky loves school and she also loves learning about new things, but most of all Sky loves surprises. So today was going to be a very special day, as today she would get the chance to do all of the three things she loves to do. Her Fa...
Would neurodiversity be an advantage in an encounter with aliens? Let's find out!Heartbroken starships.Human-sized hamster balls.Superpowers unleashed by anxiety.A planet covered in mathematical fidgets.And we finally learn why aliens abduct cows.A d...
Would neurodiversity be an advantage in an encounter with aliens? Let's find out!Heartbroken starships.Human-sized hamster balls.Superpowers unleashed by anxiety.A planet covered in mathematical fidgets.And we finally learn why aliens abduct cows...
Second chances don’t come by often and no one knows that better than Michael Smith who, after being disgraced is barely making ends meet as a journalist-reporter. That is until Christopher Blake, a wealthy business owner, makes him an offer tha...