Echoing the novels of Mary Alice Monroe, Allie Larkin, and Holly Robinson, this charming debut novel tells the unforgettable story of a rescue dog that helps a struggling young outsider make peace with the past. Addie Andrews is living a life inte...
From the author of "Sit! Stay! Speak!" comes a tender, terrific novel complete with long-buried secrets, a three-legged pot belly pig, and an irresistible dog -- an unforgettable story about love, friendship, and community. Perfect for fans of Mary K...
From the author of Sit! Stay! Speak! comes the heartwarming story of three sisters who reunite after their beloved aunt's death to repair their fractured relationships. The Sisters Hemingway: they couldn’t be more different…or more alike. T...
If you love Susan Mallery and Jill Shalvis, you won’t want to miss this new novel of second chances, dogs, and knitting, from the author of Pupcakes and Sit! Stay! Speak! Laid off, cheated on, mugged: what else can go wrong in Maeve Stephens’ ...
If you love Susan Mallery, you won’t want to miss this novel of three high school friends who find themselves emotionally fractured when tragedy strikes, so they go on a road trip they’ll never forget and rediscover what made them “best friends...
For anyone who ever loved All Creatures Great and Small, Annie England Noblin’s newest novel -- about a big city vet transplanted to a small Wisconsin town -- is pure delight as we meet aging alpacas, stump-tailed cats, goats in tutus, a vagabond b...
If you’re looking for the perfect feel-good Christmas novel, then look no further than Annie England Noblin’s newest novel. This book will absolutely delight any reader looking for a sweet and sassy read -- and not to mention enchant the fans of ...
Rekindle your belief in the magic of first love and the charm of small towns with Annie England Noblin’s delightful friends-to-lovers romantic comedy, perfect for readers of Jill Shalvis and Sarah Adams.Spring is in the air and Mylie has ...