Harold "Little" Klein can’t seem to measure up. Surrounded by the "Bigs," his boisterous gang of older brothers, and the bustling, bighearted Mother Klein, Harold often feels little and left out -- until the day a stray dog named LeRoy becomes hi...
In Iowa circa 1929, spunky twelve-year-old Tugs vows to turn her family's luck around, with the help of a Brownie camera and a small-town mystery. Tugs Esther Button was born to a luckless family. Buttons don't presume to be singers or dancers. They...
Ever since local boy Lester Ward got drafted by the University of Iowa Hawkeyes, Tugs Button’s scrawny cousin Ned can think of nothing but football. Sure, Lester’s younger bully of a brother is determined to keep Ned and his gang from ever gettin...
Fans of the hapless Button family will thrill to this Civil War prequel, featuring the inimitable "Granddaddy Ike" as a boy. "Eleven is not too young for war," Ike said to Barfoot, who swished his tail agreeably, then lumbered to the yard table an...
A romp of a tale about the surprising similarities between dinosaurs and children Iamasaurus. I am noodlevorous. One of the genus Ridiculorous. Mothers abhor us. Babies adore us. We romp and we stomp and we chomp on the floras. Turns out k...