Twelve-year-old Dawn and her younger brother, Marcus, find themselves traveling to the past and to the future when they enlist the aid of a mysterious moving company in order to help their crotchety great-uncle find his "heart's desire."...
Pineapple Place, an invisible street that moves from city to city and keeps its inhabitants the same age forever, is threatened with change when nine-year-old Jeremiah becomes bored and makes contact with the outside world....
When twelve-year-old Owen finds that his nine-year-old cousin has a magic bookmark, he joins her when she enters different stories in hopes of finding a way to prevent their parents' upcoming marriage...
August Brown, new kid on the block, finds more than he bargains for when he follows the ragbag lady to mysterious Pineapple Place. Here, on a quaint cobblestone street of cheerful houses, live seven invisible -- except to August -- children from anot...
A chapter book for young readers about three brave sisters who happily live off the land while waiting for their parents to return.Kids often imagine what their lives would be like if they were left on their own for even a short time. The three very ...