After the brutal murder of his wife, Peter Thorpe seeks sanctuary with his young son on the remote island of Land's End only to find himself trapped by the chilling horrors of the island community's strange traditions...
In the tradition of The Good Mother and The Deep End of the Ocean, Anne D. LeClaire delivers a heartbreakingâ€"and breathtakingâ€"novel of two very different but equally loving mothers who face the most painful of losses and then find the courage not...
“The promise of beauty -- the kind of real, personal beauty that can transform a person’s life -- arrived in Eden, Virginia, on the fourth Thursday in June.” That’s the day Tallie Brock sees the sign at the Klip-N-Kurl, the beauty parlor wher...
With Entering Normal and Leaving Eden, Anne LeClaire brilliantly probed the interior lives of womenâ€"friends, mothers, daughtersâ€"bringing to vivid life the conflict, surprises, and resilience of their complex relationships. Now in her new novel, T...
Downsized from her teaching job, Jessie longs for a sense of renewal and decides to spend a year on Cape Cod, seeking to be cleansed by rushing ocean waters and comforted by the lavender hues of the setting sun. While there she volunteers with a loca...
In this tour de force, a father, shaken by tragedy, tries to avenge his daughter's murder and restore his family's shattered life. It was supposed to be a typical October evening for renowned portrait artist Will Light. Over dinner of lamb tagine,...
From the bestselling author of The Halo Effect comes a heart-racing novel of love, suspense, and the unbreakable bond between sisters.
The people you love are taken from you. That’s what Maddie DiMarco learned when she survived the plane c...