2014 INDIES Winner - Bronze in Fantasy Fiction'A thrilling story fraught with uncertainty and betrayal.’ Publishers WeeklyIn an epic and mystical tale that resonates with modern times, the young Eamon Goodman goes on a journey of discovery. A...
'[Thayer captures] the eternal struggle between head and heart.' Daily MailLike many from his village, young Eamon Goodhand dreamed of joining the Gauntlet, the army of the overlord Eldered. Now he is about to complete his training and swear hi...
Eamon Goodman is now the Master's Right Hand. But despite being the second-in-command to the ruler of the River Realm, Eamon becomes the victim of vengeful plots engineered by the other Quarter Hands. Eamon finds himself powerless to stop them and th...
If you are at all familiar with Tolkien’s work, then Bilbo’s cry â€" proclaiming the arrival of Eagles â€" will be no stranger to you. Indeed, these plot-armoured birds are somewhat of a hallmark of the Master of Middle-Earth, one rejoiced over a...