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Anna Katmore's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    37 Books (1 Series)
  • First Book:
    December 2012
  • Latest Book:
    July 2024
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Full Series List in Order

Adventures in Neverland

1 - Neverland (Apr-2014)
2 - Pan's Revenge (Jul-2014)

Book List in Order: 37 titles

  • I never thought my summer would end up like this-tangled in a love triangle and knee-deep in soccer. I've been head-over-heels for my best friend Tony since, well, forever. We've been inseparable since kindergarten, and I've always known that one day...

  • There are two sides to every story. This is mine...I kissed more girls in high school than I care to remember. Yet, the only one I ever wanted is in love with my best friend.Watching Lisa’s obsession with Tony has been a torture for years. But this...

  • “I don’t know what’s currently going on in Anthony Mitchell’s mind, but you’re definitely taking up a lot of space in there.”Life isn’t easy for Samantha Summers, daughter of an army general. Moving from one continent to another every o...

  • He was never a part of my plan…Twelve years ago, when my mother chose her violent lover over me, my end of the deal was a room in an orphanage. Thank God, in six weeks, I’ll be eighteen and free!Except, a certain stupid sweater in my backpack -- ...

  • Sometimes the most magical stories aren't found in books. They're lived. Thriving on the edge in London, Jona Montiniere has a knack for finding trouble. The seventeen-year-old orphan is a professional at dodging the law and surviving on wits-until a...

  • Strange things are happening in Neverland…Although Angelina McFarland loves reading fairytales, she never dreamed of falling right into one. Literally! But who is this flying boy who saved her? And why doesn’t he want to grow up?Desperately tryin...

  • What happens when you run out of happy thoughts...?It’s been weeks since Angelina has left Neverland. James Hook is desperate to follow her off the island and find her in this notorious town called London, when he makes a grave mistake. The consequ...

  • This is a RE-RELEASE! Please read the note at the bottom! Samantha Summers finally got what she’d been secretly dreaming of since she came to Grover Beach. She was kissed by Tony Mitchell. But already the next instant, he cops out and leaves her ...

  • Never trust a twin!Sue wants Ethan, and Chris wants Sue. Drawn to Ethan and intrigued by Chris, Susan Miller finds herself caught between identical twin brothers at her school. When both of them start wooing her at the same time, she only has to take...

  • “When hell freezes over!”I can’t believe how Susan Miller just brushed me off like a fly in midsummer. I certainly wasn’t looking for a girlfriend when I followed her into detention. Just one kiss, that’s all I wanted. A plan that thoroughl...

  • When a wolf and a tiger are playing in the woods…Camp sucks.I should be on a plane to London, heading into an epic second year of college. Instead, I’m stuck on Frog Pond Mountain, tasked with supervising a horde of pubescent teens, all because I...

  • When a fiery kitten crosses paths with a daring alpha wolf... Camp should be the last thing on my summer agenda. I envisioned jetting off to London, ready to dive into an exhilarating sophomore year of college. Yet here I am, stranded atop the ironic...

  • The Wager:Three kisses.Two of which must be initiated by the girl -- a girl my friends select for me.I have just under two weeks.If I win, I get the coveted role of Tristan in a stage production.If I lose, I’m still in the play…in the worst possi...

  • When Red Riding Hood decided to catch herself a royal. Every time someone opens a storybook and reads the four magical words Once upon a time, my granny gets eaten a few hours later. Boy, it sucks! I wish my tale had a cool ending, like Cindy and Bri...

  • When Red Riding Hood learned that love isn't bound to a crown. I've been gone from the woods for just two short days and suddenly, everyone's super happy to see me again. Even Jack can't seem to let me go. The hard kiss he presses to my mouth is tota...

  • Jack’s Ever AfterOrWhen Red Riding Hood learned that love isn’t bound to a crown.I’ve been gone from the woods for just two short days and suddenly, everyone’s super happy to see me again. Even Jack can’t seem to let me go.The hard kiss he ...

  • No Prince for RileyorWhen Red Riding Hood decided to catch herself a royal. Every time someone opens a storybook and reads the four magical words "Once upon a time," my granny gets eaten a few hours later. Boy, it sucks! I wis...

  • Welcome to the Castle! For nineteen years, I was just an ordinary Californian guy. Until I almost died in an accident, and Count Dracula suddenly stuck his teeth into my throat. As his great-grandnephew and rightful heir, he ships me off to freaking ...

  • For nineteen years, I was just an ordinary Californian guy. Until a car crash almost killed me, and Count Dracula suddenly stuck his teeth into my throat. As his great-great-grandnephew and rightful heir, he ships me off to freaking Transylvania to l...

  • Willkommen im Schloss! Neunzehn Jahre lang war ich ein ganz normaler Junge aus Kalifornien. Bis ich durch einen Unfall beinahe ums Leben kam und Graf Dracula plötzlich seine Zähne in meinen Hals schlug. Als sein Urururgroßneffe und rec...

  • Ahoy, Neverbreeds!Do you remember what happened between Angelina McFarland and James Hook when they first met in Neverland? Right! The apple…For all the many years of your loving support and friendship, I want to give you something back today. ...

  • Intense and unforgettable! The grand finale of the compelling CRUSHED HEARTS series!For fans of the Netflix show Heartstopper! Sebastian came into my life in small, intense doses. Until I was addicted. Now, breaking that addiction hurts worse than an...

  • Fast and compelling! The second book in the stunning CRUSHED HEARTS series!For fans of the Netflix show Heartstopper! Our new deal allows me to get into Raff's pants. But breaking Titanium is so much harder. After Raffael stuns me speechless in the c...

  • Le cose si complicano quando una ragazza si innamora del lupo alfa del branco... Il campeggio fa schifo.Dovrei essere su un aereo per Londra, diretta verso un secondo, epico anno di college. Invece sono bloccata sulla Frog Pound Mountain, con l'incar...

  • Die Blamage, mit siebzehn noch das einzige ungeküsste Mädchen in der Abschlussklasse zu sein, ist etwas, das Sandy Cardington nicht einfach so hinnimmt. Mit dem First Kiss Project hat sie vor, diesen Status ein für alle Mal zu änd...

  • In die nacht, toen Lucifer mij voor het eerst een kaars voor zichzelf liet aansteken en Michael beschermend aan mijn zijde kwam, wist ik nog niet dat deze ontmoeting ooit zou leiden tot de grootste uitdaging van mijn leven. Ik wist niet welke engelen...

  • The winter after I tossed my high school graduation cap into the air, I make a beeline for Canada, seeking solace in a six-month retreat. My mission? To care for horses and breathe new life into the charming farm of a warm-hearted elderly woman. Moon...

  • After surviving the most harrowing night of my life, I'm left desperate for answers. No one will tell me where North is, and my last memory of him is his blood-streaked face. But stars don't bleed, do they? As the first light of dawn creeps in, the s...

  • Dive into this spiritual story of love for an angel, the bravery of a soul in pursuit of its own destiny, and the dance between shadow and light. On that mystical night, when Lucifer first whispered in my ear, commanding me to light a candle for him,...

    • / Contemporary Romance
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    Meine Welt brach auseinander, als ich meinen ebenbürtigen Gegner fand. Ich behalte immer die Kontrolle. Über alles. Mein einziger Schwachpunkt? Waghalsige Herausforderungen.Nachdem ich meinen Wagen an den neuen Rennfahrer in der Stadt verlo...

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    • / Contemporary Romance
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    Die Wette: Drei Küsse.Zwei davon muss das Mädchen beginnen - ein Mädchen, das meine Kumpels für mich aussuchen.Mir bleiben etwas weniger als zwei Wochen. Wenn ich es schaffe, bekomme ich die begehrte Rolle als Tristan.Sollte ich s...

    • / Contemporary Romance
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    Toen ik in de winter na mijn middelbareschooldiploma een pauze van zes maanden in Canada begon, was ik erop voorbereid om voor een handvol paarden te zorgen en een paar reparaties uit te voeren rond de boerderij van een charmante, oude dame. Moonbrea...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Anna Katmore has published 37 books.

Anna Katmore does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Eloyn - Kissed by an Angel, was published in July 2024.

The first book by Anna Katmore, Play with Me, was published in December 2012.

Yes. Anna Katmore has 1 series.