Set in Victorian York, this vivid romance is based on real events, revolving around the life of a remarkable woman - Louisa Elliott. Proud and determined, she struggles to overcome the stigmas of the past: a past shared by her cousin, Edward Elliott....
Who was Bram Stoker - and why did he write Dracula? Through the words of Damaris Sterne, daughter of an old seafaring family, we meet a man escaping to Whitby from the pressures of his life in London. As business manager to the great Shakespearean ac...
Locked in a place beyond time, only the truth can set Titanic's Master free.Haunted by his final voyage, Captain Smith relives his past: the ships he sailed, the women he loved, his rise from humble beginnings to become White Star's most eminent capt...
Sea-captain Stephen Elliott finds more than he suspected when he's drawn into Zoe Clifford's search for the truth behind faded photographs and a WW1 diary. Why did Liam Elliott serve with the Australian forces - and who was Georgina Duncannon? As the...