Having moved to Canada from India, Kamini tries to make sense of the eccentric family she has left behind. Recounting the story of her mother's life, Kamini reveals the desires, secrets and fears that link different generations, exploring the bond be...
In a small, dusty town in India, Sripathi Rao struggles as a copywriter to keep his family afloat in their crumbling ancestral home. But his mother berates him for not becoming a lawyer, his son prefers social protest to work, his unmarried sister se...
Kamini has recently moved from India to Canada. Plunged into the past by acrimonious telephone calls and odd postcards from her mother, she tries to make sense of the eccentric family she has left behind. Why was her Mother as bitter as a tamarind wi...
Set against the tumultuous backdrop of a fragmenting Punjab and moving between Canada and India, Can you Hear the Nightbird Call? charts the interweaving stories of three Indian women â€" Bibi-ji, Leela and Nimmo â€" each in search of a resting place...