A young news reporter, Mae seeks to find a sense of worth in breaking a good story. She risks, and loses, everything to achieve that goal. When she feels there is nothing left for her, the chaff blows away and her true purpose is revealed. Sometimes ...
There is a world where karma has a mind of its own and tyrants are rewarded with the fruits of their labor, a place where justice hides, waiting to pounce from the shadows and where evildoers must harvest the nightmares they have planted. That world ...
The Christmas Spiders is a loose adaptation of the original Ukrainian and German folktale that attributes much of the sparkle of traditional Christmas trees to some kind spiders. In this version, the archetypal old woman is a writer who spends a year...
A good book opens doors, as one little lizard discovers. He escapes his cage after learning to read, and goes on the hunt for new words. Next time you're at the library, keep an eye out amongst the shelves for a lizard reading about dragons. Every...
There is a tarantula loose in the library and the librarians aren't happy about it! It's up to Lit to find the runaway arachnid and come up with a solution that makes everyone happy. Truman the Tarantula is the third book in the Literary Lizard Adven...
Book a stay at the Bitter Suites, a hotel that specializes in recreational suicide experiences. Whether you schedule your demise as therapy, to bond with a loved one or for pure recreation, your death is sure to give you a new lease on life. Renewabl...
There's always a story. It's all stories, really. The sun coming up every day is a story. Everything's got a story in it. Change the story, change the world. ―Terry Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky With the publication of #145, Space and Time magaz...
It's time to kick your shoes off and put your talons up on the dashboard! This is Weird Fiction Quarterly's Summer Road Trip! The old jalopy is gassed up, the tires and oil checked, and the trunk is loaded with an ice chest, plenty of towels, and may...