When deciding whether to keep up the lie of his "A paper," will Micah admit his mistakes or risk losing his friends? Based on the popular JellyTelly show, Micah's Super Vlog, book two in this series finds Micah wrestling with a decisio...
There's a talent show at school and the prize is too good for Micah to pass up. Will he discover his talent in time to win? Based on the popular JellyTelly show, Micah's Super Vlog, in book one of this series Micah wants to win the big tal...
In the fourth book of the Micah's Super Vlog series based on JellyTelly's popular animated web show, Micah and his friends learn about identity and what it means to be compassionate.There's a new kid in school. Will Micah give him a chance before wr...
In the third book of the Micah's Super Vlog series based on JellyTelly's popular animated web show, Micah and his friends learn the importance of honesty and of believing the best about each other.When Armin's sketchbook, Lydia's lunch, and Micah's ...
Adapted from the all-new YOUNG DAVID animated series and inspired by the feature-length, animated DAVID film, Warrior is the first book in a highly-illustrated, early-reader, chapter book series that imagines the life of a young shepherd, highlightin...
Adapted from the all-new YOUNG DAVID animated series and inspired by the feature-length, animated DAVID film, Shepherd is the second book in a highly-illustrated, early-reader, chapter book series that imagines the life of a young boy, highlighting t...
Adapted from the all-new YOUNG DAVID animated series and inspired by the feature-length, animated DAVID film, Poet is the third book in a highly-illustrated, early-reader, chapter book series that imagines the life of a young poet, highlighting the c...
Adapted from the all-new YOUNG DAVID animated series and inspired by the feature-length, animated DAVID film, King is the fourth book in a highly-illustrated, early-reader, chapter book series that imagines the life of a young king, highlighting the ...