Wakulla Springs, in the deep jungle of the Florida panhandle, is the deepest submerged freshwater cave system in the world. In its unfathomable depths, a variety of curious creatures have left a record of their coming, of their struggle to survive, a...
In the tales gathered in An Agent of Utopia: New and Selected Stories you will meet a Utopian assassin, an aging UFO contactee, a haunted Mohawk steelworker, a time-traveling prizefighter, a yam-eating Zombie, and a child who loves a frizzled chic...
Black Cat Weekly #7 showcases the best new and classic science fiction, fantasy, mysteries, and suspense, with novels and short stories in every weekly issue.Mysteries“Death of a Light-Hearted Lady,” by Ruth Malone [short story]“The Soul of the...
At the turn of the twentieth century, nobody played better banjo than the hermit Daner Johnson, who just might have sold his soul for the privilege. When eleven-year-old Charlie Poole, tired of mill-boy life, seeks apprenticeship, he discovers an occ...