After a devastating political assassination, two journalists stand between the truth and a conspiracy that will shock the world. Tom Novak and Stella Mitchell are covering the aftermath of a chilling terror attack on the British Prime Minister and...
Novak and Mitchell are close to exposing a Russian spy in Congress. But a ruthless assassin and a deep-state organisation will do anything to stop them. In Washington, D.C., Russian reporter Andrei Rublov has uncovered the biggest story of his car...
The British Prime Minister’s police protection unit has been infiltrated by rogue officers. The threat is unprecedented. For Novak and Mitchell, the consequences are unthinkable. Prime Minister, Angela Curtis, faces a threat like never before: r...
A fast-paced, gripping thriller of betrayal, vengeance, and scandal in the highest places from the bestselling author of Official Secrets and Kill Day. Chasing a ghost. Pursued by demons... When bestselling thriller writer Ian Ferguson’s rese...