In the 27th century, humanity's greatest technological achievement is the massive, star-powered Temporal Displacement Ring: a portal to the past. Professor Robert Cragg, reeling from his own personal losses, volunteers to be the first-ever time-trave...
The founder of WOLF - Wellness for Other Life Forms - Doc Hughes is a space-travelling exobiologist called upon to treat the most challenging cases in the colonized worlds. Accompanied by his telepathic German Shepherd Victrix, the alien skaggit Rex,...
Doc Hughes: A space-traveling exobiologist who relishes the challenge of caring for the galaxy’s most exotic life forms. &nb...
Naval Intelligence Commander Jade Lafrey retrieves a dying agent's last report from the wreckage of his ship, and stumbles into a conspiracy that may destroy any chance for peace between the Terran Hegemony and the alien Gara'nech Suzerainty. The gar...
From the night, from the mist, from the darkness of space, from the forgotten past, from unseen regions... a shadow touches the Earth and lingers. Who knows what darkness remains? From the author of "Tales from the Brackenwood Ghost Club," "Wreaths o...
It is the year 2495 on the rediscovered, independence-minded colony world of Lenore.Embittered Political Officer Major Karel Novacek, haunted by ghosts from his past, seeks to resurrect his career by integrating the planet into the splintering Terran...
More New Stories about Old Saints from Gifted Storyteller Andrew SeddonThe stories in Celtic Paths bring to life saints who inhabited a world of thin places where the spiritual and natural realms intersected each other, bringing the divine in touch w...
SAINTS OF THE EARLY CHURCH COME ALIVE!These stories of saints of the early Christian Church bring the humanity, as well as the sanctity, of early Christians to life. Drawing his inspiration from traditional hagiography, Andrew Seddon shows that these...