This hardcover collection features the cute, uplifting and ingenious aquatic cartoons of Andrés Colmenares, the creator of Wawawiwa Comics, followed by millions of fans around the globe. While sharks are one of the ocean’s deadliest predators, the...
In the second book of the colorful and imaginative Peculiar Woods series, Iggie and friends get to the bottom of the mystery of the Flooded City and team up to discover the fascinating secrets of their enchanted hometown. Iggie and fri...
In the second book of the colorful and imaginative Peculiar Woods series, Iggie and friends get to the bottom of the mystery of the Flooded City and team up to discover the fascinating secrets of their enchanted hometown. Iggie and fri...
Like a warm embrace in comic strip form, the cute, cuddly, and clever illustrations by Andrés Colmenares bring joy to millions of readers across the globe. A Great Big Visual Hug collects many of his most popular comics, along with dozens of n...