A “brilliant” novel of Elizabeth Bathory, the notorious sixteenth-century Hungarian aristocrat who bathed in the blood of virgins (St. Petersburg Times). Turmoil reigns in post-Soviet Hungary when journalist Drake Bathory-Kereshtur returns from A...
From 1983 to 1998, Exquisite Corpse: A Journal of Books & Ideas delighted the indignant and the sophisticated and gave heartburn to the fearful and the tenured. A thorn in the side of the Literary Establishment, it attracted a cadre of contributors u...
Fiction. Since emigrating to the U.S. from his native Romania in 1966, Andrei Codrescu has blazed a rocket-bright trail across the cultural landscape of his adopted country, gaining a national audience as a public radio commentator, television person...
A “lovely collection” of essays by the NPR commentator about his beloved adopted city, both before and after Hurricane Katrina (Publishers Weekly). NPR commentator Andrei Codrescu has long written about the unique city he calls home. How a...
This is a guide for instructing posthumans in living a Dada life. It is not advisable, nor was it ever, to lead a Dada life." -- The Posthuman Dada GuideThe Posthuman Dada Guide is an impractical handbook for practical living in our posthuman world -...
An irreverent and deeply funny retelling of the Arabian Nights"I fear each passing night that I will not receive my maintenance dose of suspense, and then I will cease to exist." -- Whatever Gets You through the NightWhatever Gets You through the Nig...
An erotic, comedic, and compulsively readable historical novel depicting the beguiling Giacomo Casanova as he looks back on a life of love and ribald adventure In Count Waldstein’s far-flung Bohemian castle, an aging Casanova spends his days as a l...
A popular Romanian commentator from National Public Radio offers 120 never-before-published essays that give a unique and hilarious view of diverse aspects of American culture from an outsider's perspective. Tour....