Called out of semi-retirement, the telepath and Mindguard Sheldon Ayers is tasked with protecting an information package located inside the mind of a young woman who claims the knowledge she holds is vital to the future of mankind. Sheldon and his te...
Ten years after the doomed mission to Carthan, a terrible disease is turning human Mindguards into a threat to society. The Enforcement Unit, the ruthless, peace-keeping arm of the Interstellar Federation of Common Origin, has outlawed their activity...
In the corrupt city of Mei Jhabo, a mysterious new thoughtenhancer has devastating effects on the consumer’s brain. Its emergence is linked to the sudden rise of one of the city’s most ruthless drug gangs. Leading the fight against it, Commission...
In the aftermath of their most difficult mission, the members of Ayers-Ross face a different kind of challenge: moving ahead without Sheldon Ayers. With the world's most accomplished Mindguard sidelined indefinitely, Isabel Mensah struggles to adapt ...
In the booming metropolis of New Tokyo, a high-ranking business executive is tasked with transporting valuable company data in the form of an information package stored inside his mind. Fearing an attack from one of the Federation’s oldest criminal...
In the aftermath of Earth’s battle with the Vintages, an unlikely messenger delivers a shocking revelation: the existence of an advanced civilization that threatens to change the very core of human identity.As the world falls into panic, a terroris...
The war humanity has dreaded since the dawn of telepathy.An enemy beyond the scope of human understanding. Veyko has broken free of his conditioning. Once the Enforcement Unit's deadliest assassin, the genetically engineered New Mindguard has tu...
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Andrei Cherascu has published 7 books.
Andrei Cherascu does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Mindgod, was published in October 2024.
The first book by Andrei Cherascu, Mindguard, was published in August 2015.