Prince Christophe is having a ball…but when isn’t he? After a relatively quiet year of sword play and politics, Kit and Eli have finally settled into a routine of pretending neither means more to the other than a simple offer of friendship can im...
In the Never Lands, Birthday Celebrations tend to be a little more festive than in other worlds. No silly little parties with only family and friends, but rather grand balls with princes and princesses and assassins, oh my. What’s a ball without so...
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe;She had so many children, she didn't know what to do. She fed them all broth without any bread;Then whipped them all soundly and sent them to bed.~Mother GooseShe took them from the woods, and she took them ...
It’s time. Within a year the Prince must die or he and his people and his kingdom will survive uncontested. Within a year, but there are those already on the move, already lying in wait to fulfil fate. Reports of a mercenary army have begun to spre...
No one knows what came first, man or dragon, but throughout history, man feared the great fire breathing beast, terrified of its breath and its claws. Man ran long and far from the winged serpent until he came to a land rich and fertile, green where ...
There is an ancient story, of a sorceress who lived deep within the waters of an enchanted lake, and guarded with her presence a sword which Destiny had decreed would be used for the salvation of mankind, or for its downfall.But the sword did not alw...
Once upon a time, in a far away land, there lived a prince and his princess in a beautiful castle covered with snow. Well, they usually lived in a beautiful castle, but it wasn't always covered in snow, and they weren't usually fighting their way thr...
When Princess Tasiya commissioned something spectacular for her birthday celebration, she never expected to get a castle made out of cookies as a gift.Not just cookies, but gingerbread ones!But what she didn’t realize was the price those cookies wo...
Are you brave enough to dare the Dragon’s Storm?Long, long ago, long before man learned to worship gods or fear the power of the unknown, there were dragons to bow before.Dragons who ruled the world.Who could bury it beneath a flood of rain born fr...
Once upon a time, in a small shop sitting at the corner of the street, lived a cobbler, praying for a salvation she never knew she needed.It just so happened that at that moment, there was an elf, looking for the same...Some stories were born to be r...
Around every corner and even right in front of you, love is spinning fabulous stories.Love can be rekindled between hearts broken by lies and betrayals if you're willing to make a pass. Sometimes it takes playing referee to a cat and dog to find your...
Once upon a time… There were two brothers who collected folk tales from their homeland and put them in a book. Stories of magical creatures and horrible fates. Princesses who fell under enchantments and princes who rushed through per...
Around every corner and even right in front of you, love is spinning fabulous stories. Whether it is the town's most eligible bachelor coming to your rescue, or the friend you denied your attraction to for years on end, Love finds a way to make ...
Once Upon a Time...No, not once upon a time, because this is no fairy tale, and a thief doesn't deserve a Happily-Ever-After.This is the story of a woman who thought she could have whatever she wanted without consequences, and in the stealing, lost t...
Around every corner and even right in front of you, love is spinning fabulous stories. Take a walk on the wild side and revisit that friendship from childhood ready to grow into something new. Find that place where love comes in the form of a ti...
Around every corner and even right in front of you, love is spinning fabulous stories.The Kaleidoscope Hearts are back, bringing together another collection of stories and poetry that exemplifies love in all its swirling colors.With over eighteen bra...
Around every corner and even right in front of you, love is spinning fabulous stories.The Kaleidoscope Hearts are back, bringing together another collection of stories and poetry that exemplifies love in all its swirling colors.With over twelve brand...