Combining a gift for language, an exuberant sense of humor, and a boundless imagination, Herrick's coming-of-age novel is unlike any other. Navigating the mysterious path from childhood to adulthood, Sarah encounters a naked, winged man, rivalrous gh...
Her acclaimed story collection, At the Sign of the Naked Waiter, showcased Amy Herrick's gift for language, exuberant humor, and boundless imagination. In her charming debut novel, The Happiness Code, that gift has come to fruition. A few days or a f...
Edward picks up what he thinks is a rock. He doesn’t know it is a sleeping Time Fetch--and touching it will release its foragers too soon and alter the entire fabric of time and space. Soon the bell rings to end class just as it has begun. Buses ra...
In this "thrilling coming-of-age fantasy" (Buffalo News), myths and monsters collide with climate chaos in a battle for Earth's future. Spring has arrived in Brooklyn, New York, but winter refuses to let go. Sleet, snow, and even a tornado bat...