Amelia Kahaney's The Brokenhearted is a gorgeous, gritty, and imaginative take on the superhero story, perfect for fans of Marissa Meyer's Cinder and Marie Lu's Legend. Anthem Fleet, talented ballerina and heir to the Fleet fortune, is closely gua...
Cinder meets The Dark Knight in this riveting sequel to the darkly suspenseful, reimagined superhero story The Brokenhearted. Since Gavin's death, Anthem has tried to forget the heartache and betrayal, to feel normal once more. She doesn't want to...
Amelia Kahaney's All the Best Liars is a dark, modern psychological thriller and coming-of-age story about obsession, manipulation, and the intensity of those first friendships that take hold of you and never let goTic-tac-toe, three girls in a row. ...