In Amanda Skenandore’s provocative and profoundly moving debut, set in the tragic intersection between white and Native American culture, a young girl learns about friendship, betrayal, and the sacrifices made in the name of belonging. On a qui...
Set during Reconstruction-era New Orleans, and with an extraordinary and unforgettable heroine at its heart, The Undertaker’s Assistant is a powerful story of human resilience -- and of the unlikely bonds that hold fast even in our darkest moments....
The glamorous world of a silent film star’s wife abruptly crumbles when she’s forcibly quarantined at the Carville Lepers Home in this page-turning story of courage, resilience, and reinvention set in 1920s Louisiana and Los Angeles. Based on lit...
Set in 1880s New York and based on the little-known story of America’s first nursing school, acclaimed author Amanda Skenandore’s new historical novel is a fascinating story of one woman’s search for identity and independence. In the slu...
The author of The Nurse’s Secret delivers a haunting new book based on true history perfect for readers of Kristin Hannah, Ellen Marie Wiseman, and Donna Everhart. This spellbinding story of a determined female doctor pushed into life as part ...