In Amanda Skenandore’s provocative and profoundly moving debut, set in the tragic intersection between white and Native American culture, a young girl learns about friendship, betrayal, and the sacrifices made in the name of belonging. On a qui...
Set during Reconstruction-era New Orleans, and with an extraordinary and unforgettable heroine at its heart, The Undertaker’s Assistant is a powerful story of human resilience -- and of the unlikely bonds that hold fast even in our darkest moments....
The glamorous world of a silent film star’s wife abruptly crumbles when she’s forcibly quarantined at the Carville Lepers Home in this page-turning story of courage, resilience, and reinvention set in 1920s Louisiana and Los Angeles. Based on lit...
Set in 1880s New York and based on the little-known story of America’s first nursing school, acclaimed author Amanda Skenandore’s new historical novel is a fascinating story of one woman’s search for identity and independence. In the slu...
In a uniquely vivid story of women in medicine, found family, and conquering fear for readers of Kristin Hannah, Ellen Marie Wiseman, and Audrey Blake, an impoverished former doctor desperate to support her disabled son joins a traveling medicine sho...