Arriving at Thistle Ridge Farm filled with ambition and their love of horses, twins Megan and Max Morrison befriend Keith Hill, who has a wonderful mare, and Chloe, who dreams of getting her own horse and becoming a champion...
Discovering the hundred-year-old grave of a young girl who once lived on Thistle Ridge Farm, Megan ignores stories that the ghosts of the girl and her horse haunt the farm, until Amanda and her horse mysteriously disappear. Original....
Believing that her beloved pony Pixie and she work well together, Megan is disillusioned and faces a difficult choice when her grandmother, who thinks Megan could be a champion without Pixie, offers her a flashy horse...
Celebrating his good fortune when he goes to the Olympics to watch his horse riding trainer compete, Max Morrison wonders what is going on when horses begin vanishing from the Olympic stables. Original....
Taking a small carving from a Native American campsite for a good luck souvenir, Keith Hill fears the worst when everything starts to go wrong, especially after a mysterious visitor at Thistle Ridge Farm reveals the carving's secret. Original....
Amanda is crushed when her father loans out her horse, Prince Charming, instead of letting her participate in the costume contest, and when a careless rider puts Prince Charming in danger, Amanda is forced to stand up to her parents. Original....
Re-creating a Pony Express ride through an old Tennessee trail, the Short Stirrup Club hopes to raise money for a good cause, which hinges on their completing the ride successfully with enemy Amanda Sloane in tow. Original....