Classic in its vision and generosity, this extraordinary novel follows the lives and loves of the villagers of Krimsk, a small Hasidic settlement in Eastern Europe, in 1903. The first volume in Allen Hoffman's critically acclaimed series, Small Worl...
Big League Dreams finds the Krimsk Rebbe and many of his flock in Saint Louis on a Saturday, the Sabbath, in the summer of 1920.In Saint Louis, it is the summer of 1920 and the day is the Sabbath, but there is little rest for the Jews from Krimsk and...
It is Rosh Hashanah -- the Jewish New Year and Day of Judgment -- in Moscow during the Stalinist purges of 1936. In the Lubyanka secret police prison, senior investigator Grisha Shwartzman masterfully pursues the rigorous logic and obsessive lega...
The art of Jewish storytelling thrives in this captivating collection of tales by Allen Hoffman, filled with memorable characters. This captivating collection of stories by Allen Hoffman, award winning author of the critically acclaimed Small Worlds ...