Eve Pallue's facade of purpose falters when a near death experience exposes the frailty of her existence, and she must come to grips with a reality that death ultimately wins. A hidden memory of a forgotten mother surfaces, and Eve's bodyguard, Randa...
Ruth struggles to survive the rustic Colonies, and she must adjust to living with family she barely knows. However, her mother’s sickness and her brother’s protectiveness cannot deter the feelings she is forming for a retired fighter with a Caddo...
After the first successful robbery of the World Bank, Pastor Tom fosters a Faith Movement while Bear and Ruth initiate a new life together, overcoming strongholds that seek to tear them apart. Zach and Li make their way northwest on a missionary jour...
At fourteen years old, F’lorna must present her Adoration to Ra’ash. Though she is a singer by design, she has chosen to dance to avoid hurting the tender feelings of her birth friend.
As F’lorna prepares for the Double Moon Ceremony,...
The tale of Laia, the Butterfly Princess, is a body image parable for children inspiring them to appreciate the uniqueness of their design. Like many children, Laia was born with a distinct physical attribute, and she must learn to overcome fear and ...
F’lorna finds herself in a distant land, fighting to unlock memories buried deep within her. As sages and chieftains fight to claim her identity, she walks in a power that commands her to rise from the darkness. F’lorna’s long lost friend, Raec...
The tale of Laia, the Butterfly Princess, is a body image parable for children that inspires them to embrace the uniqueness of their design. Follow Laia as she explores unknown lands and finds friends who have body differences like her own. Laia's co...
Randall Hunt makes his way to his family ranch in the colonies and discovers a wealth of oil on his land kept secret by his grandfather. He begins to build an army of bowmen, never expecting to align with colonial unrest and a plan to take down the c...
The tale of Laia, the Butterfly Princess, is a body image parable for children inspiring them to appreciate the uniqueness of their design. Laia has overcome many obstacles, but now she wants to explore the world around her. As she soars into adventu...
Neil Elder punishes Life Therapist, Christina Straight, for withholding patient information by sending her to the Colonies to serve six months in a women's prison. However, she soon discovers that her punishment becomes a pathway to discovering valua...