Edward Rhys, an intergalactic tow-ship operator, turns the Multiverse upside-down with his crew aboard the Annabel Lee. Son of the legendary inventor Donahue Rhys, Edward risks life and limb to salvage his family's honor and property. With the help o...
As war between the Krethoi, a people driven by science, and the Wajhen, beings of magic, spirals into chaos, further confusion arises as a flaming ball of rock plummets from the heavens. The Wajhen rejoice to what the comet might bring and the Kretho...
Odo, an aspiring Draak Fighter, takes a familiar astral route on a Savage Sector mission, only to discover he might fall prey to the same mythical space tale once told by his father. At the height of Odo’s curiosity, will history repeat itself or w...
In the year 3032, dreams, thoughts, and memories can be accessed in neuralspace through spatial navigation devices known as Orpheums. Hackers have taken control of these machines for crime and pleasure. Two detectives set out to determine who the mas...
Under the two moons, in Steran City, the secret society of the Five Suns plots to control the entirety of planet Tochio. Outside the dome of Steran City is the Fade, a vast radioactive wasteland where another race, the Noxions, live in harmony in the...
Explore the Yaverse, an intricate and living body of planets, systems, and universes. Pass between the wings, from one universe to another, and soar within that which remains unseen. Sentient beings continue their daily lives, unaware of the great ba...
Planet Yinhar falls under siege by superior alien forces, known as Zeniths, that wipe out any civilization they touch. Amidst the chaos and confusion, rumors spread that Zeniths not only destroy, but abduct what they deem as ‘exceptional’ sentien...
Find the peasant with golden eyes and you will rule the world.Claou, a young and watery planet, is shaken by kingdoms that wage war over sparse island territories. Among the inhabitants is a rare race of bodyguards known as MetalSingers -- people wit...
Can you trust your senses?A traveling Polish tutor finds himself deep within the Russian culture, military, and myths, only to realize that perhaps their tales of maddening, otherworldly entities are real....
Listen to the voices.Journey into the many lives of two worlds, once united but now the link severed, and hear their stories. As the pages turn, so do the decades of planetary growth. Experience the many cycles of change. While one descends into madn...
A battle erupts in the absence of a king.Lord Siken, a powerful Necromancer, seeks to seize opportunity with his Blind Army. Allies within the keep look beyond the borders of their realm for assistance against the ancient evil. Only the mysterious Lu...
Say hello to RUS, a Norwegian Faerie Cat!Join Rus on his magical adventures around the world and inside your room with this wonderful story book companion to the coloring book! Intermediate language and sentence structure offers a challenge for young...
The Redeemer returns to Zinka!Fight alongside the Angels in this epic conclusion to the Angel Kings Trinity and third volume in Tomes of Zinka!The truce now severed, Fireworlders seal off the way to their realm and remain protected as the human army ...
Sometimes we just blow up the sun.On planet Rink, the sun is too hot. Nothing grows, everything burns, and the water is drying up. Eating out of cans for years can make an entire population go a little crazy.Chewing on their tongues and raising fists...
Mad stars leap to broken planets.An ancient and powerful force threatens star life as planetary civilizations crumble in the void left by Zenith annihilation. One planet, Isrendii, suffers a far worse fate. The few Isrendian survivors must band toget...
Meet Kazekiel the Risen Demon.Enter the world through his eyes and see what is behind the veil. A nightmare he understands sits on top of a city he does not.With broken language and fractured thoughts, unwind the gap and listen to a creature trying t...
Welcome to the World Face lands. On Planet Kirean, an Outpost job opening becomes available for one lucky denizen with a tropical plant background. Thrika, a lowly smog line resident, gets a chance to work with real aliens. Her team is an intimidatin...
As the Uniarch spreads colonization efforts into the Savage Sector, one planet they name Trilquen unknowingly harbors monsters originally from DarkTime. How did they get to LightTime?In Neswāl City, the first colony on Trilquen, General Sketil t...
On Zinka rests an empty throne.In the first GT (Graphic Tome) of the Tomes of Zinka, journey to the lands of Zinka thousands of years after the death of Angel King Aouzon and the curse he left behind. All those he touched turned into Angels or Devils...
THE ANGEL HOST HAS ONE CHANCEIn the second Bloodline GT, experience the epic onslaught when the Angel Host accepts her identity and fights back, but at what cost? Taleron readies the Chosen Angels for the showdown at Celestial Palace as Hiviro stalks...
Dead Prince Aouzon awakens!The Mystic Ages are upon the lands of Zinka. In the western hemisphere, a great evil rampages across the high and middle kingdoms and leaves no free survivors.Æla and Evra, the only survivors of the ancient City of Qu...
Get ready to cross the wall.Planet Iltrasor no longer rotates and from space two great walls are visible. These walls separate the eternal night from the ever light, Lightside and Darkside, and also separates the two unique races found therein. Light...
A RACE TO THE EVERDARK BEGINS! Ghern, a former Breaker for the Outpost, resumes his old profession after the disappearance of his parents forces him to safeguard his two younger sisters. As suspicious events distract him, Ghern's sisters are snatched...
Beware the DarkTime Knights.New Zinka needs work, but a debt must be repaid. The arrival of the Lorena brings dark news and Nidos requires their help. Even worse, the gifted daughter of Nysha and Seivileon, Elona, has unrelenting nightmares about a h...
Fear the knocking of the Nokrum. Elera, an aspiring artist, visits her parents at the Nurekash science museum when the Zeniths ambush their planet. After all power is dismantled, the Zeniths send in their first wave of monsters, trained to instill fe...
A HOAX LUNGER LANDS ON OKYENUNLocal authorities in the Gyen Province call in a crime specialist to solve a string of disturbing unnatural deaths. News outlets are calling the criminal the Origamist.The crime specialist, Izogar, calls in a few favors ...
WOE TO THOSE WHO SEE THE TROWID.Shuok is suffering from multiple invasions at once. There is Deadbolt Darsk and his civil war generals, but then there is something else.Burste and his family witness the second problem land in front of them: Eight-leg...
Jesters, Faeries, and humans live beyond the Lands of Demiole in the Red Realm, a bridge from Zinka to the Faerie Realm, but most know this place as DarkTime.The Jester King mysteriously falls ill upon the return of Remin the Hoax. The last man to gr...
Stop the Demons at the source.As the Zinkans await Arkosh's decision to gift them a new planet, the living descendants of Aouzon, the first Angel King, investigate the dying words of Prince Xotin. Brage Benthos, the son of Fielas, discovers an anatom...
Welcome to the Yaverse. Now Reload.Meet Seivileon, the last Trinobin to survive the complete annihilation of his home planet, Helso. He comes from a warrior tribe that constantly battles a formidable arch nemesis: Silverbacks. On Planet Carcass, ...
A Zinkan Crusader turns the tide.The Uniarch's time in the galactic seat of power is nearly up as the notorious Shadow Azúl, known as Shehbriel to few, rampages across the Multiverse to finish what the Saberog King started. After the disappear...